Workshop "Resistance against disappearance"

Thessaloniki, 3. Oktober 2011

"Resistance against disappearance". The Meaning of the Universalist Philosophy of Hermann Cohen for the Experience of Tolerance in the Cosmopolitical Arena of the Eastern Mediterranean

Exploratory Workshop organized by the Department of Theology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki together with the German General Consulate of Thessaloniki, the Goethe Institut of Thessaloniki and the Hermann Cohen Society.

«Today, a lot of memories and also properties and ruins still witness the Jewish presence in the city. Cohen's studies will reinforce the links of the past with the present, erasing the ignorance of today; thanks to his cosmopolitan, open and profound thought and philosophy, Cohen's studies will also contribute to overpass the barriers and the fear of the other» (prof. A. Ziaka).

Responsible: Renate Schindler

Speakers: Dirk Hartwig, Renate Schindler, Rico Sneller, Miltiadis Konstantinou, Nikos Maghioros, Christos Tsironis

Program: See Attachment



program_final Thessaloniki workshop Cohen und Toleranzkultur.pdf128.07 KB

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